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Bookbinding Structures: Home

Rare and Distinctive Collections


Classroom: Norlin N345

Reading Room: Norlin M350B


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Sean Babbs


Welcome to Bookbinding!

This guide contains a list of a few books that instruct the reader about the principles of bookbinding. Some of the authors are book artists, and their books will hopefully provide some ideas for creative projects, whether they are class projects or individual book art projects. Several of these books are available through the Libraries, and the rest are available from online booksellers and bookshops.  Use the Prospector link in the Library Catalog to find libraries that have copies of books that are not at CU Boulder.

The page of video tutorials has three videos that demonstrate some basic book structures that can be adapted for class assignments or artists’ books.

Local and online art suppliers sell tools and materials for bookbinding.

Video demonstrations of non-complex structures

Meander Book

Three-hole & Five-hole pamphlet stitch bindings

Stab Binding

Books: references

Books to inspire ideas

How-to manuals

Technical Journals and other Resources for Bookbinding

Journals for bookbinding techniques